Tuesday, December 26, 2006

6. The First Blessing

Dressed in shiny blue robes, the first magician wasted no time.

"Mmm... Mmm... Mmm..." The magician began to chant, and performed all sorts of unintelligible patterns using his mystical wand. Then, he stopped suddenly and his booming voice filled the hall.

"Ah-moe, I see in you a great potential... a tremendous potential in you... Now, I hereby... I bless you with this gift... of brightness! You shall be like a shining star, a light in the midst of darkness, a leader of people... So now, this is my first gift, the GIFT... OF... BRIGHTNESS!"

Ah-moe's body gradually started to glow, showing that the blessing had already came upon him. Surprisingly, his forehead glowed the brightest, as if he was revealing that he was truly indeed of great wisdom.